#15 Laura Murphy - Find Balance Between Your Masculine and Feminine

Episode #15

Laura Murphy is a poet, activist, healer and communications strategist. The daughter of a Mother and Baby home survivor, Laura is a passionate speaker and campaigner on this and other issues surrounding equality, environmental and social healing in Ireland, including the recent campaign to make Brigid’s Day a national holiday. 

Laura’s work is centred around the ancient Irish poetic practice of ‘Imbas Forosnai’. Imbas Forosnai means ‘inspiration that illuminates’. Said to be a gift of the Goddesses Boann and Brigid, it was used by the ancient poets of Ireland to bring healing to society and truth to power. 

Laura is Herstory’s inaugural Poet in Residence. 

You can find Laura on Instagram @everose and find her poem Is Mise Bríd here https://www.herstory.ie/is-mise-brid